Legal Disclaimers

The use of information contained in this web site is governed by these terms and conditions of use.

General Disclaimer

The information on this Internet site is provided in good faith and is current only at the time it is placed on this site.

Changes in circumstances after publication may affect the completeness or accuracy of this information. The Law Store Pty Ltd has taken all reasonable effort to ensure all information on this site is current and accurate, however the Law Store Pty Ltd:

  • Makes no representation or gives any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information on this site.
  • Disclaims all liability for any errors or omissions in this information or failure to update this information.
  • Provides all product information on this site on the clear understanding that anyone who uses this information will make their own enquiries as to the suitability of that product for their particular purpose.

Copyright Statement

Copyright in this site and in the material on this site is owned by The Law Store Pty Ltd.

Subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, no part of any material on this site may in any form or by any means be reproduced, adapted or transmitted without prior consent.

The Law Store Pty Ltd grants you permission to print hard copies of this web site material for informational, non commercial use provided you do not print less than a complete document and you retain and/or acknowledge all copyright and other proprietary notices on the material.

Links to Other Sites

The Law Store web site contains links to other web sites which may be of interest to the web user. The Law Store makes no representation nor gives any warranty regarding the accuracy, quality or fitness for purpose of any material on other internet sites. The Law Store disclaims any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from your use of links to third party web sites.

Limitation of Liability

The use of information on this web site is at your own risk. The Law Store Pty Ltd will not be liable for any injury, loss or damage arising out of the use of the information on this web site or provided through this web site. This limitation of liability includes direct or indirect damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of damage to property and/or third party claims.

The Law Store accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage caused by or arising from any virus which corrupts or otherwise affects the software or computer systems of any person as a result of access to this web site.


If a dispute arises regarding these terms of use, then the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia will apply. In relation to any such dispute, you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the state of Queensland, Australia, and the courts of appeal from them, and waive any rights that you may have to challenge the appropriateness of that forum.

If you access this web site in a jurisdiction other than Queensland, Australia, you are responsible for compliance with the laws of that jurisdiction, to the extent that they apply

Appointments and Contractual Obligations

The Law Store Pty Ltd is a software development and marketing company to the legal profession. It is not registered to practice law in any Australian Jurisdiction. The Law Store therefor has no professional or contractual obligation with or to you.

In choosing to use The Law Store System you are appointing as your Solicitor, the Lawyer Affiliate who is chosen by, or assigned to you. This affiliate is qualified and registered to act in the appropriate jurisdiction and carries full Professional Indemnity Insurance. Our Affiliates are carefully selected on a strict criteria and are not only required to be proficient in their area of practice but also to undergo continual legal education.

For each matter on which the Law Store is appointed to act the Affiliate will forward to you an “Authority to Act” document which shall formally appoint the Affiliate to act on your behalf for the specific matter. As with some other documents during the course of your transaction we shall require this document to be returned to us with an original signature.

Collection of any moneys from you (whether physically or by electronic means) is done by the Law Store as agent of the Affiliate. These funds are deposited to a trust account in your name and not released until presentation of the appropriate invoice from the Affiliate. The Law Store trust account and the trust accounts of all Affiliates are Audited in accordance with the appropriate Jurisdictional Rules and legislation.